“What if ...”: changes in the agricultural sector of the region's economy after the land reform were discussed by members of the forum in Pokrovsk - EUCON legal Group

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“What if …”: changes in the agricultural sector of the region’s economy after the land reform were discussed by members of the forum in Pokrovsk

The First East Agro Workshop on Possibilities of Effective Development of Agricultural Sector of the Economy of the Region in terms of Land Reform Implementation” was held in Pokrovsk, on March 3, 2020. Anatolii Miroshnychenko, attorney-at-law, senior partner of Legal GroupEUCON, participated in the Event as a speaker.

During the sessions and panel discussions, experts discussed the economic aspects of grain production in the US and Ukraine, economic expectations of lifting the moratorium on the sale of agricultural land, the introduction of agricultural land transactions, agrarian receipts, lending to farmers after the moratorium lifting, etc.

Anatolii Miroshnychenko, speaking on the topic “Lifting the moratorium on agricultural land sale: legal aspects”, pointed out the peculiarities of the formation of a land bank under the moratorium, spoke about the phenomenon of personal peasant household (also known as “ОСГ”), or “individuals”, outlined the prospects for the formation of a land bank in case of moratorium lifting.

The expert listed the prerequisites for attracting investments and obtaining state support, explaining the most important aspects of land rights, sales and necessary for procedure documents and “technical problems” that may arise.

Mr. Miroshnychenko did not ignore the issue of land lease, considering the legal basis of the procedure, the essential terms of the agreement, disputes, agreement “renewal”.

Finally, issues of legally binding agreement and their benefits, obstacles to access to foreign capital, problems of overlapping of agricultural land, already concluded agreement in the context of land reform, which the expert considered in completing the speech, are also compulsory.


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